'Three Dog Night' has to be one of the best rock bands from the late sixties into the mid-seventies. Great music for both partying, easy listening and the dreaded tabanca ('One' and 'Pieces of April'). We got married in 1977 so that was the end of the tabanca years. I still use music to remember where I was or what was I doing at that time. Like under the Ford Zephyr fixing something and my father comes out saying 'listen to this man singing stupidness', it was Shadow singing 'Baseman'. Not so much these days as one can easily have a complete video recording of everything one does. The real years in one's life is between 16-25, after that, it is a different experience, which is all great and I have zero regrets about anything, but your first car, job, serious relationship, somehow sticks there, hence the music memories.
Can you imagine nothing much happened on the rock today? Usual murders, we are now clocking 161 for the year, with only 110 days into the year, the murder rate figure has now moved from the front page of one of the dailies to page 7, just to show how uninterested we all are or are simply very tired.
The city of Toronto (pop. 5.9M GTA) has had seven (7) homicides for the year and NYC and London up until April, 57 and 45 respectively. Both cities have populations exceeding 8.0M people. What would possess our PMOTT to even broach this issue of violent crime and the Travel Advisories at the CHOGM? I guess he had to say something other than 'Hello'.
The Real Minister of Ferries (RMOF) has recently made an off the cuff statement when asked about the arrival date of the 'Galleons Passage' saying that there was some bad weather and that the Captain
had to throttle back as a result of the sea conditions. He said that this was normal and basically praised the Captain for making the right decision in order to preserve the integrity of the vessel. I can only surmise that the RMOF is in direct communication with the vessel and not leaving it up to lesser mortals to communicate. The average cruising speed of the 'Galleons Passage' is 9.5 knots, to throttle back from that would actually be the speed of a brisk walk.
My total sum of maritime experience was when I bought a pirogue, 'Rog 'n' Roll', with a 25 horsepower Yamaha outboard. The RMOF has a huge amount of hands-on experience with vessels, notably the MV SU. Who am I to even question the decisions and statements made by such an experienced master mariner?
Lots happening next week, Bocas Lit Fest top priority!
Have a great weekend all you people of the Rock, somehow it will happen, don't worry, just relax.
Good night and good luck!
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