We are about to celebrate the 56th Aniversary of our Independence from Britain. I have always been extremely proud of who we are, our Anthem, our flag ( even though the stripe goes down towards the bottom like a bad graph) and everything about us. Of course, there are things that we should not be proud of but these are issues that are manmade, normally bad politics, and can be changed at the drop of a hat. Something happened today on the Rock of historic proportions. The Government has made the decision to shut down the Petrotrin Refinery. Did we see it coming, well we should have after racking up losses of $13bn TT, there is no way that the viability of the facility would be sustainable. Our history in the petroleum industry is well documented starting with the first well drilled to 61 metres by the Merrimac Co. in 1857. Of note are some other interesting dates. Texaco arrives in 1956, buying the interest in the then P-a-P refinery. The Government buys the Shell La Brea refine...